Head Quarter

06 August B.E. 2563 (2020)

Peace Message on World Meditation Day , 6 August 2020 ( B.E. 2563)

Peace Message on World Meditation Day , 6 August 2020 ( B.E. 2563) World Meditation Day is a day of great significance for Buddhists and people throughout the world as meditation is a universal practice that everyone can engage in regardless of race, religion, culture, age, or gender. The origins of World Meditation Day can be traced back to the atomic bomb that was dropped on the people of Hiroshima, Japan, on 6 August 1945, the deadliest in human history. This catastrophic event of World War II led nation states and their people to realize the hazards of war leading to the establishment of a federated organization for keeping the world peaceful. That organization is the United Nations. At the General Conference of World...